The Open Science and Research Data Competence Centre is organised as a separate centre under the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
It supports and collaborates with all researchers not just within the university, but on the national level via the MoUs signed within NOSCI@MK.
It has a separate subunit that focuses on the use and support of the Open Science Lab.

The initial activities regarding open science and research data management in North Macedonia were done within the NI4OS-Europe project, with the establishment of NOSCI@MK. All public universities came together to acknowledge the importance of practicing open science led by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University that also represents the country in the EOSC Association.
The next step has been the development of Open Science infrastructure (the OSC lab) that supports all researchers that would like to implement the open science research workflow. Now we also have the Open Science and Research Data Competence Centre that will continue to drive the implementation of the adopted Open Science Policy.

Related Organisations
OSC directly supports the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University and all its related Faculties, Research Institutes and Associated Organisations.
Via the NOSCI@MK MoU, the network is extended to all public universities in North Macedonia including:
- State University in Tetovo,
- St. Clement of Ohrid University in Bitola,
- St. Paul the Apostol University in Ohrid,
- Goce Delchev University in Stip,
- Mother Teresa University,
- National Research and Education Network MARNET.
For the use and support of the OSC lab, the Computing Centre of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering is acting as a user support unit.
Meet the team
the key people that kick-started the OSC activities
Sonja Filiposka
Founder, Trainer
Anastas Mishev
Founder, Trainer
Kiril Kjiroski
Head of User Support
Stefan Marincheski
Repository Manager